Description of the all-American project: Conducting the all-American auto motocross by compatriots' organizations from different states of the United States via the developed march route followed by a final meeting of all participants on April 25, 2015 in Washington, DC at the memorial complex " Arlington National Cemetery", along with the ceremony of laying “Glory” wreaths at the memorial plate dedicated to the "Meeting on the Elbe." The project is to carry out regional actions in the different states of the union of a single rally “Victory” with the final destination arrival in Washington DC.
Objective: Extensive coverage of the historical role of the USSR in the victory over Nazi Germany in the World War II, and the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the historic meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe River.
Description of the state of Texas participation in the rally: April 21, 2015.
The rally will be launched from Houston (Texas) to Tallahassee (Florida), April 22, 2015 - the wreaths ceremony at the monuments of the memorial complex «Florida's World War II monument» in Tallahassee with the participation of representatives of local authorities and organizations of Russian compatriots in Florida.
April 23, 2015 - Departure of the rally’s participants to Charlotte, North Carolina, where members will participate in the festival, dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Great victory. April 24, 2015 - departure from Charlotte to Washington, DC.
April 25, 2015 – Arriving to Washingtod DC; participation in a festive rally from the Capitol to the Memorial Complex "Arlington National Cemetery" and participation in the wreaths ceremony at the memorial plate dedicated to the "Meeting on the Elbe” Returning to Texas with a symbolic banner "The Spirit of the Elbe", a collection of signatures of participants of events in Washington veterans compatriots, employees of the Embassy of the Russian Federation to the USA following by a special event for veterans of the Second World War with the participation of the Mayor of Houston, representatives of the consulates of the countries participating in the Second World War, Russian compatriots and representatives of various organizations of Texas.
Presentation of the symbolic banner "Spirit of the Elbe " Chairman of the Board of Veterans Houston. We hope to be able to organize a small convoy of cars and motorcycles to travel to Washington . Join now! The banner for the Texas delegation lead car has been already made !
Elena Suvorova-Philips
FESTIVAL «I remember, I proud» January - May 2015
Deducated to 70th annyversary of Victory day at World War II
Car rally Houston TX- Washington, DC - http://www.ksors.org/rally-from-houston/
NEW! In remembrance of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War 2 ARTICLE, PHOTO |