Our History
Although our organization has only recently been formally
established, we as individuals and small groups have
worked hundreds of volunteer hours to the cause, which
now unites us in URAA. Our activities are to be funded
solely through donations and membership fees; movie
nights, special topic presentations, folk dance performances,
disco nights, discussion groups, festivals and painting
exhibitions are only some of these activities, which
are planned to attract audiences from American, Russian
and other communities represented in the greater Houston

Our Events
Our Albums
- NEW! URAA: The Best Pictures ALBUM
- NEW! URAA: the Best of Captain of Earth Festival ALBUM
- NEW! Article, Photos, Presentation deducated to the Victory day - May, 9
- NEW! Welcome, Fairy-Tale ALBUM
- NEW! Photo album and article about Neptune's day - 2012
- NEW! Article, Photos, Presentation Noyabrevka-2012
- NEW! Article, Photos, Presentation Grand Opening of Theater festival
- NEW! Article, Photos, Video Ball-2012
- NEW! Album "Martovka in Houston - 2013"
- NEW! Puppet Theatre of Texas KHOKHLOMA ALBUM
- NEW! Evenings at farm near Dikanka ARTICLE, ALBUM, VIDEO
- NEW! Puppet Exhibition "The Rulers of Russian Thoughts" ALBUM
