Dear Friends!
United Russian American Association and Sunrise International Dance Studio (SIDS) are pleased to announce that we have a wonderful opportunity to perform our spring show, “Dancing around the World” at Houston’s Hobby Center for the Performing Arts in the theater district. (800 Bagby Houston, TX USA 77002)
We will be performing on Saturday, May 17th, 2014 at 7pm. Events and activities are to mark the Day of Slavonic Literature (24 May), the Day of Russian language (June 6), and the Day of Russia (June 12) as part of the Festival “Vivat, Russia!”, held and sponsored by URAA in 2014.
The performance will showcase more than 24 different dances – like Russian Winter lyrical dance, Little Sailors, Traditional Ukrainian folk Dance, Lion King, Gypsy, Tap, acrobatic, break dance, singers and musicians etc.
The performance will be in the beautiful Zilkha Hall, a 500-seat theater with professional lighting and sound. The Hobby Center will provide a professional stage crew to coordinate lights and sound for the show. Our show and sponsors will be saluted on a digital billboard in the theater district. Tickets can be purchased using the Hobby Center’s website to quickly and conveniently handle tickets purchases in their preferred payment method.
To be a part of the show or to be a sponsor, please contact URAA directly.
The United Russian-American Association (URAA) is an umbrella group of Russian and Russian-speaking citizens of the Former Soviet Union. Our mission is twofold: to broaden the cultural and social ties of the 70,000+ members of our community with our host community in Greater Houston while supporting activities and services which preserve and maintain our Slavic cultural heritage in our emigrated community. Our objectives are to facilitate the recognition of cultural uniqueness of Russian-speaking community by general public in Houston and to promote Russian culture through educational, cultural and philanthropic activities. It also includes active participation in local charities and events, which promote the common goal to live, work and raise our families together in Houston. We have extended our connections with several other Russian-speaking organizations. URAA is a member of International Counsel of Russian Compatriots- MSRS (Moscow, Russia), a member of the Coordination Committee (New York, USA), was delegate in World Russian Forum in 2009, 2010, 2012 (Washington, USA), was delegate in Russian World Foundation Assembly in 2009, 2010, 2012 and many other events, Forums and Conventions. We are working in the Mayor International Europe Committee (Houston, USA)
Although our organization has only been formally established for 8,5 years, as a 501(c)-3 non-profit corporations we as individuals and small groups have worked hundreds of volunteer hours to the cause, which now unites us in URAA. Our activities are to be funded solely through donations and membership fees; Balls and Disco nights, movie nights, special topic presentations, folk dance performances, discussion groups, festivals and painting exhibitions are only some of these activities, which are planned to attract audiences from American, Russian and other communities represented in the greater Houston area. A partial list of our activities over the past few years include: Annual Festivals (My family-2008, Great Russian literatura-2009, I am proud- 2010, Captain of the Earth-2010-2011, Slavyanka-2012, Theatre & Art Festival - 2013); International Woman's Day Celebrations on Spring (March); Masquerade Balls on every Fall (September); Organizing and holding annual Noyabrievka- Russian Day of Unity (November); Russian Veteran's Day Memorials and Celebrations (May); Children's Christmas Tree Party and Gift Giving; Support of Russian Theatre in Houston, which has performed successfully in Houston and Dallas; Support to the Joy Children's Theater; Support of Russian Folk dance classes for children and adults; Art classes for children and adults; Cooking classes; Russian Mardi Gras (Fat week, Forgiving Sunday) The art exhibitions of local Russian artists who are well known in Russia and United States; Russian Yellow Pages publishing; Russian Festivals and open events in the different American Schools; Participation in KSP and Mayovka, traditional Russian cookout and entertainment; Participation in Houston Consular Ball honoring the Russian Federation; Participation in celebration of the Day of Russia (June 12th).
Sunrise International Dance Studio (SIDS) is one of the main partners of URAA in every activity we are holding in the Houston Metropolitan Area.
The mission of SIDS is to share the joy of dance with its community and around the globe and to provide the highest caliber of dance training in the studio. SIDS seeks to enhance its position as one of the United States finest dance studios through its vitality, innovation, and diversity and through its uncompromising commitment to artistic excellence based in the classical, folk and contemporary dance traditions.
SIDS is not just a dance studio. It’s a group of dedicated passionate people, who come together to make sure that our commitment to the best in dance and movement is upheld, and available to all who seek it out. Our family atmosphere, energetic staff, and team-first approach have helped to create an environment where people of all ages feel like they belong the moment they walk in the door.
SIDS was created in 2008 by Mrs. Oksana Chernyuk–a dancer and choreographer well known both in Europe and North America. Mrs. Chernyuk has performed at the Hobby Center, the Jones Hall, Houston International Festival, TBH Theater, the Renaissance Festival, the Museum of Fine Arts, and many other art venues. Oksana was also featured as Carmen Miranda at the major production for the 2004 Super Ball which was held at the Astrodome in Houston. On July 12-21 2013 Sunrise was competing in theWorld Championship of Performing Arts and won 7 gold medals. In January 2014 the studio took place in the first stage of the competition «America got talent».
SIDS offers young dancer’s elite training in the state-of-the art studios located in the heart of the Energy Corridor/Galleria and Woodlands areas. In these classes children study with today’s leading dance teachers and choreographers for children and teens. The program delivers the finest all-around dance experience for your child by offering a wide variety of class options, an abundance of additional opportunities, and the highest quality dance instruction that only SIDS can provide. SIDS holds classes during an Academic Year and Summer Programs in Creative Movement, Pre Dance, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Latin, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, Flamenco, Russian, Ukrainian, Irish Folk and many more.
Sunrise Dance Company is growing and growing every year and we are now being recognized by the Houston art community for all of our hard work and talent.
Best regards
President URAA Elena Suvorova Philips 281-389-7914 www.uraa.us
Artistic Director of SIDS Oksana Chernyuk
832-814-5099 www.sunrisedancecompany.org |